Tangible Products

All items in this category are Tangible Products.

If you like the feeling of holding a paper-print book, there is nothing like a good old paper print publication. You can browse the pages with the touch of your fingertips, which are considered the tentacles of your brain in ancient eastern culture.


(Note:This is a Tibetan-Chinese Version)




(Note:This is a Tibetan-Chinese Version)

《親友書》是約西元二世紀,龍樹菩薩寫給好友樂行國王立志書信。不論漢、藏法會,都是佛教耆宿大德、法王、上師、堪布們最喜開課的題材之一。內容闡述佛家觀點的修齊治平之道,適用於現代普天下在家佛子。本書基於前弘期譯師嘎瓦拜則大譯師所譯之藏本,及米旁大師親友書注解,首度以「現代白話」文體譯出,將文義完整清晰呈現還原給讀者。外加逐字直譯,並列索達吉堪布偈頌版,兩相對照。讀者讀即明白。又完整收錄,妥善編排古今諸家版本,清晰解析漢藏文字及文法,輔助師徒雙方學授,上師可專注闡演內義口訣。為了再兼顧學子們藏文學習之目的,更增加習字、發音欄位,至此讀者身口意三到,學習收效最著。本書對於幫助《親友書》的學習,可謂已面面顧到,讀者外加購拉薩音朗誦 MP3 CD,即可於藏傳法會中,朗朗上口。不論法會上課,堪為自學研讀之隨身寶典。


For bladder and fixed suction fountain pens and traditional ink pens.

Color:Blue/Black(Dark Blue)

Packaging:50 ml glass bottle

(Attention: Avoid ingestion keep out of reach of children.)




Contents List

03  Master Tonmi's Own Hand Writing , dbu me style
04  A Brief Introduction to Tibetan Calligraphy, Formal Style And Cursive Style
06  What is "dbu can" and "dbu me"
07  How To Practice Tibetan Calligraphy Semi-cursive
Master List And General Practice On Stroke Orders
10  Tsug Ring 30 Consonants

40  Tsug Ring 4 Vowels 
71  Tsug Ring Sanskrit Letters, Cardinal Numbers & Punctuations
75  Superscripts, Subscripts, Prefixes, Suffixes & Post-suffixes 
77  A Comprehensive Excercise
82  Copy Practice of "Sakya Proverbs"


Contents List

03  Master Tonmi's Own Hand Writing , dbu me style
04  A Brief Introduction to Tibetan Calligraphy, Formal Style And Cursive Style
06  What is "dbu can" and "dbu me"
07  How To Practice Tibetan Calligraphy Semi-cursive
Master List And General Practice On Stroke Orders
10  Tsug Ring 30 Consonants

40  Tsug Ring 4 Vowels 
71  Tsug Ring Sanskrit Letters, Cardinal Numbers & Punctuations
75  Superscripts, Subscripts, Prefixes, Suffixes & Post-suffixes 
77  A Comprehensive Excercise
82  Copy Practice of "Sakya Proverbs"


(Note:This is a Chinese Version) 





(Note:This is a Chinese Version)

This is a periodical aiming for Tibetan culture and language learning, which has been published in paper-print and digital editions, all comes with legal ISSN number.
The contents of this magazine include daily conversations, Buddhism, history, culture, people, folk songs and poetry, modern-day lives, travel, computer...,etc. It even comes with HD MP3 and HD Youtube video, now you can learn Tibetan language in a fun, efficient and comprehensive way, and get closer to Tibetan culture.


(Note:This is a Chinese Version)

This is a periodical aiming for Tibetan culture and language learning, which has been published in paper-print and digital editions, all comes with legal ISSN number.
The contents of this magazine include daily conversations, Buddhism, history, culture, people, folk songs and poetry, modern-day lives, travel, computer...,etc. It even comes with HD MP3 and HD Youtube video, now you can learn Tibetan language in a fun, efficient and comprehensive way, and get closer to Tibetan culture.


(Note:This is a Chinese Version)

This is a periodical aiming for Tibetan culture and language learning, which has been published in paper-print and digital editions, all comes with legal ISSN number.
The contents of this magazine include daily conversations, Buddhism, history, culture, people, folk songs and poetry, modern-day lives, travel, computer...,etc. It even comes with HD MP3 and HD Youtube video, now you can learn Tibetan language in a fun, efficient and comprehensive way, and get closer to Tibetan culture.


Contents List

03  Preface
04  Copy Master Tonmi's Own Hand Writing - OM MA NI PADME HOM 
05  Master List of Tibetan Alphabets
06  Master List of Stroke Order - Vowels and Consonants
07  General Practice On Stroke Orders
08  30 Consonants

38  4 Vowels
69  Tibetan Sanskrit Letters, Cardinal Numbers & Punctuations
73  Superscripts, Subscripts, Prefixes, Suffixes & Post-suffixes 
77  Root Letters
82  Useful Words 



(Note:This is a Chinese Version)

This is a periodical aiming for Tibetan culture and language learning, which has been published in paper-print and digital editions, all comes with legal ISSN number.
The contents of this magazine include daily conversations, Buddhism, history, culture, people, folk songs and poetry, modern-day lives, travel, computer...,etc. It even comes with HD MP3 and HD Youtube video, now you can learn Tibetan language in a fun, efficient and comprehensive way, and get closer to Tibetan culture.


(Note:This is a Chinese Version)

This is a periodical aiming for Tibetan culture and language learning, which has been published in paper-print and digital editions, all comes with legal ISSN number.
The contents of this magazine include daily conversations, Buddhism, history, culture, people, folk songs and poetry, modern-day lives, travel, computer...,etc. It even comes with HD MP3 and HD Youtube video, now you can learn Tibetan language in a fun, efficient and comprehensive way, and get closer to Tibetan culture.


(Note:This is a Chinese Version)

This is a periodical aiming for Tibetan culture and language learning, which has been published in paper-print and digital editions, all comes with legal ISSN number.
The contents of this magazine include daily conversations, Buddhism, history, culture, people, folk songs and poetry, modern-day lives, travel, computer...,etc. It even comes with HD MP3 and HD Youtube video, now you can learn Tibetan language in a fun, efficient and comprehensive way, and get closer to Tibetan culture.


(Note:This is a Chinese Version)

This is a periodical aiming for Tibetan culture and language learning, which has been published in paper-print and digital editions, all comes with legal ISSN number.
The contents of this magazine include daily conversations, Buddhism, history, culture, people, folk songs and poetry, modern-day lives, travel, computer...,etc. It even comes with HD MP3 and HD Youtube video, now you can learn Tibetan language in a fun, efficient and comprehensive way, and get closer to Tibetan culture.


Writing traditional Tibetan and Sanskrit calligraphy, you need a hand-made bamboo pen cut at a special angle. Now you can save the trouble.

This fountain pen is widely used by Tibetans and Indians who want to perform taditional writings.The blister pack comes with one pen, 3 broad steel nibbed pen tips, one syringe. With this pen, you can happily write beautiful Tibetan and Sanskrit calligraphy in 3 different styles.